Monday, August 23, 2010


This is where I am with my little embroidery project. This is the first non-aida cloth embroidery and the second embroidery I ever done. It is far from perfect but I love it none the less. There was a tiny bit of frustration. I really, really should of spent more time practicing the stitches. I just wanted to jump in. I did spend alot of time trying to create a french knot. That one had me stumped until I watched a video and had my hubby help me then it finally clicked. I need to learn to make them more uniform. All the stitches really.  I also used a pen that had a tip that was too thick and the blue is popping through. The pattern calls for a specific size pen and I didn't follow it. In case you are wondering I found the free pattern here.

I don't know about you but when I start something new I expect there to be no learning curve, I should just "get it". Which is really silly don't you think? There have been many times that I have attempted something and because it didn't click right away or wasn't "perfect" I gave up. Learning to drive a car with a manual transmission is one. :)

While embroidering (which I got to spend alot of time yesterday doing) I did gain some knowledge that applies here and to life on the creative path in general:

**Keep trying
**It is o.k. to make mistakes
**Give up perfection
**Enjoy the process
**Give yourself a hand for just starting

I hope to talk about that clarity I had recently, right now I just don't know where to start. I did completely bomb out on my Art Everyday. Sorry folks. I just couldn't manage to complete a piece a day. That doesn't mean that I won't do creative work everyday it just means I won't complete it everyday. I am glad I did try it though. I have always thought about it and now I know. I really admire all who complete a piece every day. I think it is fantastic!

Please come back on Wednesday as I will have a new Art Biz Mama interview up.



jacqueline said...

Dearest Dana, this is such a beautiful post and your emboidery is soo sweet! I am a little different ~ when i learn something new i always expect learning curve. :) I love your list of 5 and it's also part of my very own list! Thanks so much for sharing and have a lovely merry happy day! Love to you!

Regina said...

You are doing beautifully with the stitching. I love embroidery. So meditative, slow and just nice. I like to take embroidery with me when we travel by car. Love the flowers.

Concetta said...

Beautiful and I agree so much about the process (hard lessons for perfectionists). Hey, don't apologise for not doing your art every day - repeat mantra "I have two young children and I can't do everything"(ehm..she says to herself!). xx

Angela said...

I love your embriodery. It's very pretty. Your words ring true. I often get stuck in the trap of thinking there should be no learning curve and no mistakes. My own art mentor even told me I was being to hard on myself. Thanks for the lovely and much needed lesson! Peace, Angela

AG Ambroult said...

It's funny because you think you know all those lessons already, but it's not until you really get stumped with something, that you have to actually realize them. It's all about practice, and i find myself telling my girls the things from your list all the time. Doesn't matter how old you are, though. Learning new things takes moxie and dedication. Your embroidery is awesome! I'd say you're getting the hang of it :)