Saturday, May 08, 2010

Vision Board

1. Susy Pilgrim Waters,


3. studio.,

4. printmaking*table,

 5. Mati Rose Studio

6. Mati Rose

I have been grabbing images of some great studios for my vision board. I LOVE seeing other artists work spaces. Don't you?

P.S. The dinner out alone was truly wonderful! We hadn't been out to dinner alone in 5 YEARS!!


Regina said...

These are all such great studios. I love looking at all the different work spaces. My space is looking quite messy now. I'm inspired to straighten it up!

AG Ambroult said...

those spaces! SO inspiring! sich. Someday, I'll get out of my basement. Someday.

Kate England said...

Very inspiring! I love to see other people's work spaces, they always seem so much more interesting than my own!

Beverley Baird said...

I love looking at studios too. I hope to eventually have my own!
I just found out I won your coneflower pix! Thank you so much!
my email is
arlie707at hotmaildotcom
(i'll send my address to your email if that's okay)

Louise Gale said...

Hey sweetie. oooh i know love looking at other peoples studios....I love the old printing table in Matis studio and asked her where she got it from as i want one! Hope you had a lovely weekend and soooo glad you got the pendant in time. xx

jacqueline said...

WOW dana these are wonderful images and very inspirational! Thanks so much for sharing it here with us! I have also been collecting workspace images for my little inspirational board! Have a lovely merry happy week and love to you!

Maegan Beishline said...

I am drooling over all these studio spaces! You should see mine right now...well you can't because it's covered in all kind of stuff at the moment. I really need to clean that up...

Robin Norgren-Well of Creations said...

one day... I could not help BUT BE MORE CREATIVE IN SPACES LIKE THESE! see you in the Flying Lessons e-course! -Robin

agirlandherbrush said...

i'm drooling over all of these spaces! i can't wait to have a room just for creating instead of using my dining room. thanks for sharing!

Jen said...

Love these studio pics!